The City of Chattanooga is proud to release the following Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $30 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to organizations in Chattanooga. Last Fall, the City of Chattanooga announced the launch of its “One Chattanooga Relief and Recovery” process and plan and opened an initial round of applications that provide important insight into the types of projects Chattanoogans feel are critical to our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and our prosperity. In January, realizing the high stakes of this one in a generation investment, the Mayor appointed the Chattanooga Equitable Recovery Commission (CERC) to ensure the fund allocation process is administered with integrity and equity. The CERC Framework has been incorporated into the application and selection process for the NOFO.
In order to comply with federal funding requirements, the NOFO application has been revised and expanded beyond the initial round web form. This application now includes additional detailed budget information, federal ID numbers, planned performance metrics, detailed project milestones, and questions targeted at ensuring the recommendations from the CERC Framework are addressed.
Use the form below to submit a question that you believe will be of general interest to all applicants. If you have a particular question about your application that is unique to your project please email it to chattanooga@fedgrantassist.com.
All questions submitted using the form below by May 20, 2022 will have answers posted on this site no later than May 27, 2022. Substantially similar questions will be combined to reduce redundancy.
Last Fall, the City of Chattanooga announced the launch of its “One Chattanooga Relief and Recovery” process and plan and opened an initial round of applications that provide important insight into the types of projects Chattanoogans feel are critical to our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and our prosperity. In January, realizing the high stakes of this one in a generation investment, the Mayor appointed the Chattanooga Equitable Recovery Commission (CERC) to ensure the fund allocation process is administered with integrity and equity.
On April 29, 2022, the City of Chattanooga released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $30 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to organizations in Chattanooga. The application period closed on June 3, 2022.
The City issued the following information relative to post-award compliance as Addendum 1 to the NOFO. This Addendum did not change any requirements or deadlines.
The City hosted a Virtual Applicant Information Session to provide technical assistance on May 3, 2022 at 1PM ET, which is posted below.
Download the PowerPoint from the sessions here.
An additional in-person Applicant Information for technical assistance was held May 9, 2022 at 5PM ET The Edney Building - 5th Floor, 1100 Market St, Chattanooga, TN 37402.
The final date to submit applications is currently set for June 3, 2022 at 5PM ET, with Notices of Intent to Award to be released in early July.
The following is the anticipated schedule for the NOFO Process:
April 29, 2022 - Issue NOFO
May 3, 2022 at 1:00 PM - Applicant Informational Session – Recommended. Session will be taped and available on the website with 2 business days.
May 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Applicant Informational Session – In-Person at The Edney Building - 5th Floor, 1100 Market St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
May 20, 2022 - Deadline to Submit Questions & Request Feedback
May 27, 2022 - Response to Questions and Feedback Requests
June 3, 2022 - Final Application Submission Deadline (applications must be submitted via email to chattanooga@fedgrantassist.com with all required attachments as specified in section F.4 of the NOFO) no later 5:00PM ET on 6/3/22)
July 8, 2022 - Notice of Intent to Award
July 12, 2022 - Recommended Awards Submitted to City Council
Funding Must Be Expended by December 31, 2024
Below is a link to a PDF document containing questions of interest to applicants that have been submitted. We will make every effort to update this document within 2 business days of receipt of a question that pertains to the general applicant pool.
FEATURED QUESTION 1: I have told been it will take 4-6 weeks to obtain the SAM registration – will this make me ineligible to apply?
ANSWER: No. You WILL be eligible to apply. However, it is important that you apply now for your SAM ID as it must be in place in order for the City to enter into a grant agreement.
FEATURED QUESTION 2: There seems to be something off in the calculations in the budget section of the application and my numbers do not add up. What should I do?
ANSWER: This has been addressed in the current version of the NOFO available on this site, but an earlier version did contain a formula error. If you have already largely completed the application and would like us to correct the calculation in your copy, you can email chattanooga@fedgrantassist.com by clicking here. We will return the corrected formula within 1 business day.
All questions submitted using the form in the next section by May 20, 2022 will have answers posted on this site no later than May 27, 2022. Substantially similar questions will be combined to reduce redundancy.
If you have a particular question about your application that is unique to your project please email it to chattanooga@fedgrantassist.com.
Use the form below to submit a question that you believe will be of general interest to all applicants. If you have a particular question about your application that is unique to your project please email it to chattanooga@fedgrantassist.com.
All questions submitted using the form below by May 20, 2022 will have answers posted on this site no later than May 27, 2022. Substantially similar questions will be combined to reduce redundancy.